An Intro to Design Thinking Excercise

For this exercise, I designed for Janna. 

Key notes about Janna:

- it's been hard for her to wake up before 10:00 recently
- always a little late because she gets distracted in the mornings
- loves stuffed animals, especially Pusheen the cat.

Problem statement 1:

Janna, a laid-back, needs a way to get to places on time in a way that makes her feel accomplished. 

My solution 1:

I created a Pusheen cat alarm toy that would help Janna stay motivated to get ready on time. The cute alarm would vibrate when it's time to go. If she hits the done button on time, she would collect a point. After a certain number of points, she could redeem them on the corresponding online website. 


She said that it would be helpful if it could move and be more motivating.

Problem Statement 2:

Janna a laid-back, needs a way to not be late that makes her feel motivated to get going.

My solution 2:

My second iteration was different than the first because it became even more interactive from its new ability to move. Her schedule would be programmed in term of minutes through an app. When she wakes up the alarm would go off and Pusheen would walk to the bathroom and would keep talking/ moving in circles until Janna goes there to brush her teeth. After the next programmed amount of minutes, Pusheen would walk to the closet for her to get dressed. Janna has to keep up with Pusheen's time schedule in order for Pusheen to not remind her. This way Janna can stay on track to get ready in the morning and will stay motivated with Pusheen's help.


  1. Maya, Thank You for Posting the results of your Design Thinking Exercise with Janna!


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